The Sparrow’s Song

Early this morning I was sitting there half awake on my perch when I heard the loudest song ever. I tried to open my eyes to have a look and see where on earth that sound was coming from. I looked everywhere and could not see for the life of me where it was coming from. Just then a sparrow had flown over to the branch next to mine and began singing. WOW! What a great sound came from such a tiny little bird. I flew over to the next tree to visit my wise friend the owl and asked him how on earth could the sparrow make such a big sound?

My friend, always filled with his words of wisdom said to me, “Little Crow, the sparrow’s song is a reminder of our own importance . It reminds us that when we sing our song we should sing with with dignity and pride. His song is loud and full of energy because it awakes us to world we live in and to acknowledge our own self worth.”

I had never thought about my own song until then. Now when I sing… I sing my my whole heart and soul. I dig deep down inside myself and with all the power I can muster … I sing my song.

Thank you little sparrow for the wake up call:-)

Yours truly,
Little Crow

Just another day?

I was perched upon a branch today next to my good friend an owl and when he asked me how my day was I said,” Just another day”.

“My friend” the owl replied .. “today is just another day if that’s what you want it to be. Today can be anything … it can be great, it can be bad, it can be long, it can be hard, it can be lazy or short, it can be amazing and beautiful .. so my dear friend… how was your day?”.

You never know when a bit of wisdom will show up and give you that nudge to let you know to wake up. Today I was nudged by a good friend, Mr. Owl.

Yours truly, 
Little Crow

Changing Perspective

So here I am sitting in the trees … looking at the same ol backyard that I look at everyday and I say to my crow cousin .. I want to see something beautiful… I want to be amazed … My cousin looked at me with a pause and said silly little crow.. just look up … and this is what I saw

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It’s all about perspective. I was sitting in just the right place for an amazing view and had no idea what was just above my very own head! I didn’t need to move or go anywhere else.. all I needed to do was look up.

Yours truly, 
Little Crow

Happy to Be…

Perched high up in the trees today I was watching a crowd of people go by and noticed that not many of them seemed to be very happy. There weren’t very many smiles on their faces, no spring in their steps and overall they just looked a bit preoccupied and gloomy.

I asked Grandfather Crow why were the people like that and he said, “they are not living as themselves”.

“What ever do you mean by that, Grandfather?”, I asked.

So many of them live through the eyes of others instead of living through their own eyes. They are not being who they were born to be.

Look at our other feathered cousins for a moment. The owl does not living all day thinking I wish I were a crane and the bluebird does not live all day thinking about how to turn his blue feathers to red.

The owl was born to be an owl and so lives as an owl. The Bluebird was born a bluebird and lives as a bluebird.

The owl is not wishing for longer legs and the bluebird is not wishing for feathers of any other color than his own.

One owl does not tell another owl how to fly, hunt or hoot and the bluebird does not compare his life to that of the redbird. They are who they were born to be.

It does not even enter their minds that they should be or want to be any different than who they are. They are happy being themselves.

The wren sings as loud as the wren can sing because it was born to do so and does not wish for another voice or even try to change it’s voice… it is perfectly happy with the voice it was given and uses it to the best of its ability.

Most people don’t live this way, Little Crow.. instead they allow outsiders to tell them how they should be, who they should be and how to act and live… they have forgotten who they were born to be. This makes them seem sad. If they can find themselves again you will see the changes in their whole being. The spring will be back in their step, smiles upon their faces and hope and love will fill their hearts. Until then, Little Crow.. I am afraid that people will continue as you saw them today.

Yours truly, 
Little Crow

Wren’s Magic Gift

So I was at the bird feeder this morning having my breakfast when a wren popped over and started making the loudest noise ever… he scared all the squirrels off into the trees away from the feeder. I asked my brother crow what that was all about. He said that’s part of wren’s magic.. reminding us to have confidence in ourselves and to be fearless and bold when going after what we want. Thank you Brother Crow for the insight!

Yours truly,
Little Crow

Weaving Magic

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I spent the weekend with Miss Raven while she weaved a new batch of dreamcatchers. I learned so much and thought I would share with you what I learned.

Miss Raven told me that the web was a filter for our dreams and that the bad dreams would get caught in the web and as the morning sun would arise each morning those bad dreams would burn away. The good dreams pass right through the center of the dreamcatcher and trickle down the feathers to the dreamer below.

I asked Miss Raven how she knew about the dreamcatcher and how it works. She told me that there are many stories of how the dreamcatcher came to be. The stories vary from tribe to tribe and from region to region.

There is one story about a boy and a spider. It goes something like this…. One day a young boy saw a spider spinning its web in the corner of his grandmother’s house. When he saw the spider he screamed, stomped over to it, grabbed a shoe and as he was getting ready to hit the spider his grandmother whispered, “Don’t hurt him”. To thank the grandmother for saving his life the spider gave her a gift. He spun webs over her windows and told her that his gift was to spare her from bad dreams. The bad dreams will be caught in the web while the good dreams would filter through the small holes.

This is just one of the many stories that have been passed down through the generations. Miss Raven says that it matters not as much the story but more so that we know that the dreamcatcher is a great gift from Spirit.

I also learned that each decoration on the dreamcatcher has special meaning. A single bead in the web represents the spider and is placed there in honor of the gift given by the spider. Many beads scattered around the web represent good dreams. The feathers that hang from the web represent breath and air which is essential for life. The type of feathers used also have meaning depending on what type feathers they are.

When one makes a dreamcatcher for someone they must weave with healing energy for that person and decorate it with objects that are needed to help that person in whatever it is that they need at that time. Every part of the dreamcatcher has meaning.

Earth, water, fire and air are in every dreamcatcher. Didn’t you know this? That’s ok I didn’t know this either until Miss Raven explained it to me.
Traditionally the hoop was made of vine, willow or other fine branches, so the hoop was made of Earth. Water is represented on the dreamcatcher by the morning dew that would form on the web. Fire is the morning sun that would burn off the dew and all the bad dreams that were caught in the web. Air is represented by the feathers.

I learned so much and dreamcatchers are so beautiful. Miss Raven says she will make one just for me! I can’t wait to get my very own!

Yours truly,
Little Crow

A Bird and His Worm

My very first blog post  🙂“Creator gives every bird his worm, but He does not throw it into the nest.”

For each dream we must plan and do… I am told by a wise old owl that we are all born with everything we need to succeed in life. It is up to us to go after what we dare to dream. We can utilize what is before us or we can let opportunity, knowledge, gifts and life tools pass by us without notice. It is our choice… whether we make it or not.

Yours truly,
Little Crow